Thursday, June 6, 2013

Drive-In Theater- Check!

So it's been awhile, but truthfully I haven't been doing anything on my bucket list. Whoops! I must say though, this summer is shaping out to have all kinds of new things in store so I'm very excited.

A week or so ago, my boyfriend Nick and I needed something to do. With us both being new to the wild and wonderful West Virginia area we are constantly trying to find something new to explore. Typically we fill our days by hanging out at one of the 51 state parks and forests and by night are broadening our cooking skills. After a little research on the Google machine we found out there was a drive-in 10 minutes away! Once I knew this I had my mind set on going. With the double feature of Fast and Furious 6 and Hangover 3, we were sold.

There isn't too much to say after this besides, why don't people go to the drive-in more often? I absolutely loved it! The experience in itself is a lot more fun and relaxed than a typical movie theater. Sad to think that there used to be thousands of drive-in theaters and now there are only hundreds. Hopefully the drive-in industry will stay afloat for generations to come. Thank you Sunset Ellis Drive-In!